Love Languages As Self-care

Posted by Baebody Admin on

We’re breaking down the specifics of each love language and recommending self-care activities that are the perfect pair for your personal love language.

The most important relationship in life is the one with ourselves, and it’s most often overlooked. We all know that practicing self-care is essential for our overall health, but did you know that practicing self-care through your love language is a great way to show yourself some love?

You may be asking yourself, ‘what is a love language, and how can I determine mine?’ Well, it’s easier than you may think. The definition of a love language is simply the way we prefer to give and receive love. Traditionally, there are 5 love languages: words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, receiving gifts, and physical touch, but that doesn’t mean your love language can’t be a combination of a few different ones! Your love language is personal to you, and is something that can change over time, that’s why it’s so important to check in on ourselves.

If you’re unsure what your love language is, you can take a free love language quiz HERE: 


If your love language is….

Words of Affirmation

Words of affirmation simply refers to the act of hearing and reinforcing love through words. One of the easiest ways to honor this love language is by journaling your goals, strengths, or intentions, or listening to a free guided mediation on YouTube like this one as a part of your self-care rituals.

Acts of Service

Traditionally, acts of services focuses on receiving love from others, but it is something you can easily do for yourself. Acts of service is simply getting up and giving yourself what YOU need. This isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary to help us grow. Try cooking a new recipe that you found online like this one or try re-organizing your space for the new season ahead. If the idea of cleaning and reorganizing is overwhelming, start small with a section in your room or bathroom.

Quality Time

We all know quality time with our loved ones is important, but it’s just as important to spend quality time with ourselves. Giving ourselves the time and space to be present and in tune with yourself and your goals can help to re-charge your social battery. Try taking yourself on a date like to the movies, or a solo picnic in the park, and pick up a new hobby like hiking, dancing, or yoga.

Receiving Gifts

Gifts are a universal symbol of love, so treat yourself with self-gifting to mark different milestones, no matter how big or small. Try buying yourself a gift (or two!) like the new baebody tea tree cleansing gel, or book yourself a weekend staycation at a local hotel or Airbnb.

Physical Touch

Out of all the love languages, this is one of the easiest to honor. Try upgrading your skincare routine by adding in special treatments like the baebody gel face mask trio, and a free online workout class, like this one.


No matter what your love language is, it’s important to regularly take time and honor yourself and your needs! Let us know in the comments what your love language is!


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